Care & Wellbeing

God, our loving Creator, made each of us in His own image, with purpose and of immeasurable worth. Therefore, we acknowledge that every person within our community is a unique individual with distinct giftings and talents. We seek to provide a safe learning environment that nurtures everyone through caring and inclusive relationships. Our students are encouraged to be aware of the needs of others and are taught to show love and compassion for their fellow students, following the ‘Golden Rule’: to ‘treat others as you would like to be treated yourself’ (Matthew 7:12).

At Freshwater, we take a holistic approach to building resilience and promoting positive mental and emotional health. All year levels from Prep to Year Twelve participate in the ‘My Life Rulz’ Program, which works to build emotional resilience in student’s lives. We also seek to empower students to develop a stronger relationship with God, their parents, teachers and peers, and to come to a fuller revelation of their identity in Christ.

The Pastoral Care Team at Freshwater provides each student with the support needed for their spiritual, social, psychological and emotional wellbeing. Our dedicated staff provide year-level pastoral care, including qualified counselling services, to assist our students as needed. Our College Chaplain also provides pastoral care and support to parents and families, as well as staff and students.

For further information or request support for a current student please email

Care & Wellbeing

God, our loving Creator, made each of us in His own image, with purpose and of immeasurable worth. Therefore, we acknowledge that every person within our community is a unique individual with distinct giftings and talents. We seek to provide a safe learning environment that nurtures everyone through caring and inclusive relationships. Our students are encouraged to be aware of the needs of others and are taught to show love and compassion for their fellow students, following the ‘Golden Rule’: to ‘treat others as you would like to be treated yourself’ (Matthew 7:12).

At Freshwater, we take a holistic approach to building resilience and promoting positive mental and emotional health. All year levels from Prep to Year Twelve participate in the ‘My Life Rulz’ Program, which works to build emotional resilience in student’s lives. We also seek to empower students to develop a stronger relationship with God, their parents, teachers and peers, and to come to a fuller revelation of their identity in Christ.

To support our College community, the Pastoral Care Team at Freshwater provides each student with the support needed for their spiritual, social, psychological and emotional wellbeing. Our dedicated staff provide year-level pastoral care, including qualified counselling services, to assist our students as needed. Our College Chaplain also provides pastoral care and support to parents and families, as well as staff and students.

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