Nature based learning at Freshwater Christian Kindergarten

Surrounded by pristine tropical rainforest, Freshwater Christian Kindergarten stands as a beacon of holistic nature based learning in the heart of Brinsmead.

Our Cairns Kindergarten places a high priority on nature play and outdoor learning, fostering a unique environment where students can thrive.

At the heart of our campus lies a freshwater creek, an enchanting natural feature that provides an exceptional space for children to explore and connect with nature.

Nature Play

What is Nature based learning?

Nature based learning involves unstructured play in natural settings, allowing children to interact with their environment freely and creatively.

Unlike traditional playgrounds filled with manufactured equipment, nature play areas typically feature natural elements like rocks, trees, water, and sand.

These elements encourage children to engage in imaginative play, where a fallen tree might become a pirate ship, or a patch of sand transforms into a construction site. This type of play is characterised by its emphasis on exploration, discovery, and sensory engagement, fostering a deep connection with the natural world.

The Benefits of Nature based learning

The benefits of nature play are extensive and multifaceted, touching on various aspects of a child’s development. Here are some key advantages:

Physical Health: Nature based learning promotes physical activity, which is crucial for children’s health. Climbing trees, balancing on logs, and running through open spaces help develop gross motor skills, strength, and coordination.

Mental Wellbeing: Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in children. The calming effect of natural surroundings can improve mood and enhance overall emotional well-being.

Cognitive Development: Nature play stimulates curiosity and creativity. It encourages problem-solving and critical thinking as children navigate and manipulate their environment. This hands-on learning experience supports cognitive growth and intellectual development.

Social Skills: Playing in natural settings often involves group activities, fostering cooperation, communication, and teamwork. Children learn to share, negotiate, and resolve conflicts, which are essential social skills.

Environmental Stewardship: Early exposure to nature instills a sense of respect and responsibility for the environment. Children who regularly engage in nature play are more likely to develop a lifelong appreciation for the natural world and become advocates for its preservation.

Nature based learning

The Importance of Nature based learning

Nature based learning is more than just an enjoyable activity; it is a crucial component of childhood development. In an age where children are increasingly engrossed in screen time and structured activities, nature play offers a much-needed balance. It provides an opportunity for children to disconnect from digital devices and reconnect with the world around them. 

Our Bush Kindy Program

Freshwater Christian Kindergarten’s Bush Kindy program is a shining example of the school’s dedication to nature play. This program takes advantage of the school’s unique setting, with its lush rainforest surroundings and onsite freshwater creek, to offer an immersive outdoor learning experience.

The Bush Kindy program allows children to engage in a variety of activities, such as:

  • Exploring the Creek: Children have the opportunity to wade through the freshwater creek, observing aquatic life and learning about ecosystems firsthand.
  • Nature Crafts: Using natural materials like leaves, sticks, and stones, children create art projects that enhance their creativity and fine motor skills.
  • Sensory Play: Activities like mud play, sand digging, and leaf piling provide rich sensory experiences that are both enjoyable and educational.
  • Storytelling and Imaginative Play: The natural surroundings serve as the perfect backdrop for storytelling and imaginative play, where children can act out adventures and let their creativity run wild.

Why Bush Kindy is a Great Program

The Bush Kindy program at Freshwater Christian Kindergarten is more than just an outdoor classroom; it is a space where children can learn and grow in harmony with nature.

This program supports the holistic development of each child, ensuring they receive a balanced education that nurtures their physical, emotional, cognitive, and social growth.

By participating in Bush Kindy, children develop a deep connection with the environment, fostering a sense of stewardship and responsibility that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Through programs like Bush Kindy, Freshwater Christian Kindergarten is paving the way for a future where children are not only knowledgeable but also compassionate stewards of the natural world.